Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Success in Life.....

Recently, my neighbour seek my advice on what the most suitable course for her daughter after her Pre-u. Initial, the young lady thinking of taking up Chemical Engineering, but to her dismay, there was some objection for the family members. Then the mum suggest her to do `Accountancy', her aunty said better take up ACCA, and even some advise her to study Law. Poor little girl. End up do know what to do.....

Sometimes, I really wonder, how does one judge the success in life? Judging by wealth? or happiness? or health? Any one can advise me? Let say:

Success = wealth + happiness + health -----(1)

Normally, those looking for wealth will neglect their health through long hour of works, uncertain lunch/dinner time etc. and also their family life (happiness). Therefore:

Wealth = - happiness - health------(2)

Substitute (2) into (1)

Success = happiness + health - happiness - health


Success = 0

On the other hand, if one take good care of his health and family life, then he will not acquire much wealth, then:

happiness + health = - wealth ------(3)

Substitute (3) into (1)

Success = wealth - wealth


Success = 0

Very true indeed. Success is nothing. It is just one's perception of how life should be lived upon. One can consider a multi billionaire a successful man, but nobody has the right to say a garbage collector, who happily serving the community, is not having a successful life. Ultimately when both of them die, what left behind is either earth to earth or ash to ash. Is there any difference between them. After few years, nobody will even think of them no matter one is a billionaire or a garbage collector, except their family members and friends.

Therefore, one has every right to life his own life, in good time or bad time, for nobody can tell whether heaven or hell is actually existed. But, one thing I am very sure of, if you do evil, peace will never be with you., no matter you are billionaire or a garbage collector.

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