Happy New Year.........2010 `Huat rrrrrrrrrrr'
Tiger, in Hokkien sound like `
Hoo' which means `Good' in Hokkien. Therefore, here I wish everybody having a very
Good Year ahead....Happy New Year...

New year eve, fish is a must for dinner. Because fish sound like `
Yee'....which means `left over' in Mandarin. This symbolic our account always in positive balance, no such thing as deficit....

This year, must only drink
Tiger Beer....eat
Tiger Biscuits...travel via
Tiger Air....Instead of Axe Brand oil, use Tiger Balm....because they are all Good (Hoo). But don't follow Tiger Wood. Why? Because according to Geomancy Sciences, the elements for this year are Gold and Wood .....not Tiger Wood.

Now, I need to get ready to go visiting. First stop of course is to Holy Trinity Church....need to wish my Lord a very `
Happy New Year'. Give Thanks to him for his cares and protection over the past years and wish he will take care of everybody, including me, for the many more years to come.
Happy, Healthy and Wealthy New Year 2010.
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