Went to Kemaman recently. The nearest Airport to Kemaman is Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ahmad Shah, in Kuantan.

This type of antique shophouses are still a common scene in Kemaman town.....

and this antique taxi too......

This big durian is actually a ticketing booth...

But, these are real durian.....gosh....

these manggo taste really sweet....but 2 fruits costed me RM4.00....we ate on the spot....

Kuih muih of Kemaman....but didn't have to chance to taste them, just had my breakfast in the hotel.....

Modern shophouses along Kemaman main streets.....

most of the shops are of three storey building...

What impressed me the most was the cleanliness of the town....

Unlike other town, the backlane in Kemaman is very clean and tidy.......can't spot any rubbish.....

another impression place of Kemaman....a coffee shop....

full of antique collections....

of course customers too....

enjoying the famous roti bakar and coffee......we hardly can find a seat for our coffee break...
u went to Kemaman.. and I havent been there for years...
Ya..I went there last month...
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