PTA....projek tahun arkhir.....ya.... that the word, final year project.... that was what on every CMBA final year students mind....PTA...PTA. Ya, me too....I set up this fax machinery solely in the hope of collecting data from West Malaysia. But, it failed. I faxed out 400 copies, only 2 return....gosh...

Luckily, I manages to collect my data locally with the help of friends and relatives...binggo 168 usable respondents...

I and read....finally I chapter 1 - 3 were in ordered.....

I sent the first draft of my Chap 1 - 3 to my supervisor...and he return it to me.....
with all these comments on it......

wow...all wrong......aiyooooo....need to redo....haiz...

Ok..forget about the first 3 chapters.....proceed with Chapter 4....finding... with two computers on, one for SPSS analysis...another for write up......
and of course need to look into all these reference books before I know how to use SPSS, and analyse the data generated........

and if I felt bored......I face booked a while recharge a bit.... when I need help, I also face booked for....either Tuan or Tun... they both are my saviour......Thank you to u two...:))
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