This morning, when I reached office, the main door and grille was wide open......

There was no sign of broken in...the door and grille were still in prefectly good condition....
except the lockset to my room's door was in a very bad sharp.....
the computer on my table, used to be like this...

was missing....what left behind was the stand for the monitor, the key board and the mouse...

As usual, when such incident happen, there will be lots of guessing what is actually happen. So some said the theives entered the office via the back door, others were saying it was an insider job....

To me, I have to work harder, because most of my data in my PC, I don't even have back up to it....gosh...and the big boss said to me`Good luck to you.'
No sir, not only me alone sir, in total there were 8 PCs missing. They too have to work hard as well.
i tot the theive left a note on ur keyboard ... said " nice monitor ".
Ya hor...I didn't read it...
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